The prime apartment market is still hot! This apartment building has nearly $1 billion in sales!
Melbourne Weekly Real Estate News
▪ 澳大利亚最高公寓楼销售额近10亿澳元
Australia’s highest apartment building sales nearly A$1 billion
▪ 随着清盘率下降,房地产市场开始“摆动”
Property market begins to 'swing' as clearance rates fall
Australia’s highest apartment building sales nearly A$1 billion
Private developer Beulah has enjoyed huge success at Australia's tallest residential project, having sold more than 80 per cent of the more than 700 apartments and penthouses, with sales approaching $1 billion.
该项目被称为Sth Bnk,其中两座扭转的塔楼之一将高达365米,共有102层,耸立在墨尔本中央商务区边缘的南岸大道上,超过了南岸的另一座公寓楼 Australia 108,以及位于黄金海岸的Q1塔。第二座63层公寓楼将高295米。

图片来源:Financial Review,图为STH BNK概念图
该项目的早期施工工作预计将于明年启动,由荷兰公司UNStudio和墨尔本的Cox Architecture设计,完工时间预计为五年,总投资为27亿澳元。
Early construction work on the project, designed by Dutch firm UNStudio and Melbourne-based Cox Architecture, is expected to start next year, with completion time expected to be five years and a total investment of A$2.7 billion.
Developers say three- and four-bedroom apartments are the most popular, with many buyers even combining multiple units or customizing the interior space to create their own dream "city in the sky." Among the home buyers, many are aged between 35 and 40, including local Southbank residents, downsizing home buyers in urban Melbourne, regional Victoria residents who want to own holiday homes in the city, as well as home buyers from other states and internationally.
A "cross-continental owner" purchased a full-floor penthouse with an area of about 1,000 square meters for A$38 million. It offers 360-degree views of the city, resort-style concierge services including housekeeping, shopping, child care, pet services, and readily available doctors, beauty and massage services.

图片来源:Financial Review,图为STH BNK概念图
该项目还将在较矮塔楼的第63层开设有一家拥有210间客房的Four Seasons酒店。预计该酒店将在2028年向客人开放。在基座层将设有多种便利设施,包括零售和活动空间、托儿中心和室外花园。该项目还将容纳澳大利亚首个为年轻人打造的创新文化中心,由巴黎著名艺术机构Centre Pompidou负责监督。
The project will also feature a 210-room Four Seasons hotel on the 63rd floor of the shorter tower. The hotel is expected to open to guests in 2028. There will be a variety of amenities at the podium level, including retail and event space, a childcare center and outdoor gardens. The project will also house Australia’s first innovative cultural center for young people, overseen by renowned Parisian arts institution Center Pompidou.
Beulah的执行董事Adelene Teh表示,该项目的预售成功反映了对靠近墨尔本CBD的豪华公寓日益增长的需求。“通过提供一个真正一切近在咫尺的环境,个人可以更多地花时间在最重要的事情上,而不是在旅行或通勤上,”她说。
Beulah executive director Adelene Teh said the project’s pre-sale success reflected growing demand for luxury apartments close to Melbourne’s CBD. “By providing an environment where everything is truly close at hand, individuals can spend more time on what matters most, rather than traveling or commuting,” she said.
总部位于马来西亚的Beulah International以1.01亿澳元的价格收购了58 Southbank Boulevard的这块6191平方米的角地,此前是一家宝马经销商的所在地。今年8月,Beulah任命了一流的建筑公司Multiplex为Sth Bnk的承建商。
Malaysia-based Beulah International acquired the 6191sq m corner site at 58 Southbank Boulevard, previously home to a BMW dealership, for $101 million. In August this year, Beulah appointed leading construction company Multiplex as the contractor for Sth Bnk.
2. 随着清盘率下降,房地产市场开始“摆动”
Property market begins to 'swing' as clearance rates fall
Auction clearance rates fell in Sydney and Melbourne during the second-busiest auction weekend of the year, with the jury still out on whether the property market will favor buyers or sellers at the end of the year.
悉尼BresicWhitney机构的首席执行官Thomas McGlynn拍卖了悉尼南部Alexandria的一座三卧宅邸,该房以281.5万澳元的价格卖给了一名自住买家,超出了50万澳元的价格指南,有五个竞拍者参与。但他表示,他的机构越来越少见到这些“失控的结果”。好位置的好房产正在获得卓越的结果,McGlynn先生表示,但买家对任何有“轻微瑕疵”的房屋都进行了严格的判断。
Thomas McGlynn, chief executive of Sydney's BresicWhitney agency, has auctioned a three-bedroom mansion in Alexandria, in Sydney's south, which sold to an owner-occupier for $2.815 million, beating the $500,000 price guide by five. bidders participated. But he said his agency is seeing these "out-of-control outcomes" less and less. Good properties in good locations were getting excellent results, Mr McGlynn said, but buyers were applying strict judgment to any home with "minor imperfections".
距离圣诞节休息开始只有四个周末,之后房地产市场将暂停直到二月,McGlynn先生表示,市场年底的表现将决定2024年的开局。“如果清仓率保持在50%以上,可能会有一个稳定的开局,但如果它们跌破50%,可能会成为买家市场。” 尽管大多数经济学家预计12月可能会加息,但这可能会进一步使市场倾向于买家。
With just four weekends to go until the Christmas break begins, before the property market pauses until February, Mr McGlynn said how the market performs at the end of the year will determine how 2024 starts. "If clearance rates stay above 50%, it could be off to a solid start, but if they fall below 50%, it could become a buyer's market." While most economists expect a rate hike in December, this could be could further tip the market in favor of buyers.

More than 3,000 homes are expected to go under the hammer during the second biggest auction weekend of the year, with Domain recording a preliminary national clearance rate of 60.5 per cent, down from 62.8 per cent last week. Preliminary clearance rates in Sydney fell to 62% from 65% last week, while in Melbourne they fell from 62% to 60%, according to Domain data. CoreLogic recorded a clearance rate of 69% in Sydney, down from 70% last week, and 73% in Melbourne. In the past week, there were nearly 1100 auctions in Sydney and more than 800 in Melbourne.
AMP首席经济学家Shane Oliver表示,根据Domain初步拍卖清仓率,“清仓率下降的趋势仍在继续,撤回的情况也在增加。这表明高利率开始再次主导,这是移民和供应不足引发的结果。”
AMP chief economist Shane Oliver said based on preliminary Domain auction clearance rates, "the trend of falling clearance rates continues and withdrawals are increasing. This suggests that high interest rates are starting to dominate again, a result of immigration and a lack of supply."
在墨尔本的高端市场,买方代理Emma Bloom表示,只有吸引到中国大陆买家的物业才“仍然有活力”。至于其他来源国买家,她表示市场“在蹒跚行进”。她表示如果中国买家感兴趣,房主将获得一个不错的价格。
In Melbourne's top end of the market, buyer's agent Emma Bloom said only properties attracting mainland Chinese buyers were "still viable". As for buyers from other source countries, she said the market was "limping along." She said if Chinese buyers were interested, the homeowners would get a good price.
Bloom女士表示,25和27 Hopetoun Road的两处墨尔本Toorak相邻住宅吸引了五个中国买家组的竞标,最终两套房产都成交,总计交易额达到3300万澳元。“自边境开放以来,中国买家市场一直非常强劲。”
Ms Bloom said two adjacent Melbourne Toorak homes at 25 and 27 Hopetoun Road attracted bids from five Chinese buyer groups, with both properties eventually selling for a total transaction value of $33 million. "The Chinese buyer market has been very strong since the borders opened."