Is the Victorian Premier Considering Imposing Taxes on Airbnb Hosts? South Australia May Benefit the Most

Melbourne Weekly Real Estate News Update
▪ 澳洲30%郊区的房价已反弹
30% of Australian suburbs have seen house prices rebound
▪ 对Airbnb业主征税恐成维州“经济杀手”
Taxing Airbnb hosts could become an "economic killer" for Victoria
▪ 一周拍卖
Weekly auctions
30% of Australian suburbs have seen house prices rebound
CoreLogic data shows that Australia's housing market valuation bounced back to 10 trillion Australian dollars last month, thanks to the unexpected early recovery in prices since March and an increase in the number of homes to 11 million. This is only the second time the residential property market has hit the 10 trillion Australian dollar milestone since records began.
CoreLogic研究负责人Eliza Owen表示,"在短短14个月内看到住房总价值达到10万亿澳元,这令人震惊,尽管面临生活成本危机、低消费者信心水平以及今年迄今为止的四次现金利率上涨,但市场仍然充满韧性。高利率和高偿还能力缓冲似乎并没有影响房价的增长。"
Eliza Owen, Head of Research at CoreLogic, commented, 'It's pretty astounding to see the total housing value hit 10 trillion Australian dollars in just 14 months, which reflects the resilience of the market despite a cost-of living crisis, low consumer sentiment levels and four increases in the cash rate so far this year amid the fastest rate hiking cycle on record. The high interest rates and a high serviceability buffer don’t seem to be impairing house price growth.'
The estimated total value of Australia’s housing market peaked at 10.07 trillion Australian dollars in April last year before falling to 9.3 trillion in January. Since then, the total value has rebounded by 7.2 percent or 672 billion to 10 trillion last month.

From:Financial Review
New South Wales accounted for 40.2 percent of the country’s housing market, amounting to 4.02 trillion Australian dollars, Victoria has 26.1 percent of the total value, or 2.61 trillion Australian dollars, while Queensland accounted for 16.6 percent or 1.65 trillion Australian dollars. The estimated value is based on the median valuation of dwellings in Australia multiplied by the number of dwellings, which is different from the home value index CoreLogic reports each month.
The six-month upturn has now offset about half of the 9.1 percent decline racked up during the recent slump, after house prices increased by 4.9 percent during the same period. House values in nearly one out of three suburbs nationwide have all but recouped their losses, while unit values in more than two out of five suburbs are now higher than they were before interest rates started rising in May last year.
在墨尔本,只有六个郊区的房价比利率上涨开始时更高,但有56个郊区的公寓价格已经挽回了了最近的损失。Donnybrook、Clayton、Wheelers Hill、Doncaster East、Vermont South和Templestowe的房价都已经升至利率上涨前的水平,Parkville、Edithvale和West Melbourne的公寓也是如此。
In Melbourne, only six suburbs posted higher house values compared to the start of interest rate rises, but unit prices in 56 suburbs have recovered the recent losses. House prices in Donnybrook, Clayton, Wheelers Hill, Doncaster East, Vermont South and Templestowe have all risen above pre-rate rise levels, as well as units in Parkville, Edithvale and West Melbourne.

The recent upturn has also spurred a strong turnaround in house prices in 21 percent of all Brisbane suburbs and unit values in nearly all suburbs have risen higher than before the downturn kicked off. Meanwhile, Adelaide and Perth largely escaped the downturn with much of their pandemic gains remaining intact.
Although the housing recovery looked entrenched, price growth momentum could slow later this year as the economy weakened, Ms. Owen said. 'I think there is a risk that we could see a dip in home values towards the end of the year if the economy slows faster than expected and unemployment increases, which may create a higher degree of risk for mortgage serviceability,' she said. 'We’re expecting some heat could come out of the recent recovery trend towards the end of this year, while a more robust recovery in housing values will be limited until credit conditions loosen.'
2. 对Airbnb业主征税恐成维州“经济杀手”
Taxing Airbnb hosts could become an "economic killer" for Victoria
维多利亚州州长Daniel Andrews被警告不要在重大住房政策调整中引入Airbnb“旅游税” ,因为这会影响该州的商业和投资。发出这些警告之际,包括房地产委员会、住房行业协会、澳大利亚城市发展研究所和Master Builders在内的房地产行业联盟将于周五发起一项运动,推动安德鲁斯政府批准更多绿地,以帮助解决住房问题。
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been warned not to introduce an "Airbnb tax" as part of significant housing policy adjustments, as it could impact the state's business and investment. As these warnings were issued, a coalition of industry groups, including the Property Council, Housing Industry Association, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, and Master Builders, is set to launch a campaign on Friday urging the Andrews government to approve more greenfield sites to help address housing issues.
维多利亚州自由党将于周五为工党的住房政策推出对策。自由党希望降低维州高额印花税和土地税,并避免征收Andrews政府正在认真考虑的Airbnb税。“我们非常担心政府打算征收另一项财产税,这将特别打击偏远地区,”反对党住房发言人Jess Wilson说。“除了增加另一份收入外,对 Airbnb 征税实际上还能帮助增加维多利亚州的住房供应吗?这才是核心问题”。
The Victorian Liberal Party is set to unveil a counter to the Labor Party's housing policy on Friday. The Liberals hope to reduce Victoria's high stamp duty and land tax and avoid the Airbnb tax that the Andrews government is seriously considering. 'We are very concerned that the government intends to impose another property tax, which will particularly hit regional areas,' said Opposition housing spokeswoman Jess Wilson. 'Besides generating another revenue stream, does taxing Airbnb actually help increase housing supply in Victoria? That's the core question.'
与此同时,南澳大利亚州州长Peter Malinauskas发起了一场大胆的宣传活动,试图挖走维多利亚州的企业,声称他的州是一个“更经济实惠”的司法管辖区,比维多利亚州的税收更少。该广告宣传活动的口号是“在南澳大利亚经商更好”,宣传了该州较低的薪资税和比墨尔本便宜37%的办公空间。“投资南澳大利亚”活动引用了维多利亚州议会预算办公室的数据,显示维多利亚州人每年支付5073澳元的州税,而南澳大利亚则为2970澳元。
Meanwhile, South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas has launched a bold advertising campaign to attract Victorian businesses, claiming that his state is a 'more affordable jurisdiction' with lower taxes than Victoria. The campaign's slogan is 'Business is better in SA' and promotes the state's lower payroll taxes and office space that is '37 percent cheaper than Melbourne.' The 'Invest SA' campaign cites data from Victoria's Parliamentary Budget Office, showing Victorians pay $5073 a year in state taxes compared to $2970 in South Australia.

From:Dean Sewell
澳大利亚统计局的数据显示,在2022-23年,维多利亚州是唯一一个在此期间经历企业数量下降的州或领地,下降了7606家企业。“照这个趋势下去,在维多利亚州经商或拥有房产会变得越来越困难,” Wilson女士说。
Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that in 2022-23, Victoria was the only state or territory to experience a decline in the number of registered businesses, with a decrease of 7606 businesses. 'It's getting harder and harder to do business or own property in Victoria,' Ms. Wilson said.
上周,墨尔本市议会投票决定对Airbnb式的短期度假出租征收350澳元的登记费和每年180晚的住宿限制。周二的理事会会议纪要显示,本周启动的磋商程序将在11月之前报告起草该法律,目标是在明年2月实施该法律。维多利亚商会和工业界首席执行官 Paul Guerra称其为“荒谬”,是一次“重大失误”,因为此时的墨尔本正试图吸引大量游客。
Last week, the Melbourne City Council voted to impose a $350 registration fee and a limit of 180 nights a year on Airbnb-style short-term holiday rentals. Minutes from Tuesday's council meeting showed that the consultation process, which kicked off this week, will draft the legislation by November with the aim of implementing it by February next year. Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEO Paul Guerra called it 'nonsensical' and a 'massive misstep' at a time when Melbourne is trying to attract back tourists.
Other city councils in Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland are also considering similar measures. Andrews is also contemplating a proposal to levy taxes on hotel stays and short-term rentals, including Airbnb, with each booking potentially costing up to 5 Australian dollars.
Previously, the Albanese government proposed providing 3.5 billion Australian dollars to state and local councils to accelerate the construction of 1.2 million homes as part of the National Housing Accord. However, many details of the policy have been left to individual states to decide.

Following Andrews' public mention of this idea, the National Cabinet withdrew the proposal to freeze or cap rents. Andrews is also considering a proposal to provide protection to developers against costly legal battles in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in exchange for including a fixed proportion of high-quality affordable housing in new projects.
The Property Council of Australia has suggested offering developers incentives for higher-density housing if a portion of the project meets the definition of affordable housing, potentially around 10 percent to 12 percent.Last month, Andrews indicated that he would use a stringent anti-corruption report as a means to pave the way for taking control of local planning decisions."
Weekly auctions
根据维多利亚房地产协会REIV(Real Estate Institute of Victoria)官方统计,截止9月10日周日,整个维州共进行了669场有结果的房产拍卖,总清盘率76%。
According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) as of Sunday, September 10th, there have been a total of 669 property auctions in the entire state of Victoria, with a total clearance rate of 76%.

Here are the details of the auctions: out of the 669 auctions conducted, 508 properties were successfully sold. Among these, 379 were sold at the auctions themselves, and 161 were sold prior to the auctions, with a total auction value of 663 million Australian dollars.

Additionally, there were 223 privately sold properties with a total private sales value of 198 million Australian dollars.

For houses, the clearance rate was 78%, with 460 auctions held and a median house price of 1.3 million Australian dollars.

For units, the clearance rate was 73%, with 204 auctions held and a median unit price of 800,000 Australian dollars.
