Unbelievable! In Melbourne, it takes 9.6 years to save for a down payment on your own? Sydney even requires 12.3 years!"
Melbourne Weekly Real Estate News
▪ 随着房价上涨,首次置业者面临的挑战增加
Challenges Mount for First-Time Homebuyers as Housing Prices Rise
▪ 维多利亚州终于准备加速住房申请
Victoria State Finally Set to Accelerate Housing Applications
▪ 一周拍卖
Weekly Auctions
Challenges Mount for First-Time Homebuyers as Housing Prices Rise
The ANZ Bank/CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report reveals that as prices continue to rise, first-time homebuyers who cannot enter the real estate market in the coming months may face even greater challenges in purchasing a home next year.
CoreLogic研究主管Eliza Owen表示,目前租金飙升、房价上涨和利率上升,这些因素结合在一起,给有抱负的购房者带来了前所未有的住房负担能力挑战。“从历史数据来看,这是首次购房者面临的最具挑战性的时期之一,”她说。“随着利率保持不变,预计房价将继续上涨,一旦明年利率开始下降,房价可能会上涨得更快,这意味着首次购房者将需要存下更多首付。”
Eliza Owen, Research Director at CoreLogic, stated that the combination of rising rents, increasing property prices, and rising interest rates is presenting unprecedented affordability challenges for aspiring homebuyers. "Historically speaking, this is one of the most challenging periods for first-time homebuyers," she said. "With interest rates expected to remain steady, it is anticipated that property prices will continue to rise. Once interest rates start to decline next year, property prices may increase even faster, which means first-time homebuyers will need to save more for a down payment."
根据CoreLogic 的数据,自今年早些时候触底以来,全国房价上涨了4.9%,悉尼房价上涨了8.8%。这提高了较大首府城市的首付门槛,悉尼首次置业者现在需要12.3年才能为悉尼普通房屋存下20%的首付。
According to CoreLogic's data, national property prices have risen by 4.9% since earlier this year, with Sydney seeing an 8.8% increase. This has raised the down payment threshold for major capital cities, with first-time homebuyers in Sydney now needing 12.3 years to save a 20% down payment for an average Sydney home.

Despite the continuous growth in the Australian tenant population and the shift in housing policy focus away from the issue of first-time homebuyer access to property ownership, data shows that this problem is worsening. While the increase in interest rates and the rise in the number of homes on the market will slow down the pace of rising housing prices, it will not stop the increase in prices.
The time required to save for a down payment has increased in Melbourne by one month to 9.6 years, in Brisbane by three months to 9.4 years, and in Adelaide and Perth by more than one month to 10.2 years and 7.5 years, respectively.
Currently, a 20% down payment on a home in the Australian housing market represents 148% of median household income, compared to a historical five-year average of 136%. Taking inflation into account, real incomes have decreased, meaning there is less money left over for housing costs after covering other necessary expenses such as energy bills and groceries. Ms. Owen stated, "This further underscores the point that middle-class families can't afford homes unless they receive financial assistance from their parents."
比价网站Rate City的一项计算表明,如果他们开始在一个利息为5%的高息储蓄账户中每周存入400澳元,则需要九年零一个月的时间才能存下100万澳元房产的首付。“随着价格持续上涨,潜在的房主可能会觉得他们别无选择,只能借他们不愿偿还的贷款来获得他们的梦想之家。”
A calculation by the comparison website RateCity shows that if they begin depositing $400 AUD weekly into a high-interest savings account with an interest rate of 5%, it would take nine years and one month to save a down payment of one million AUD for a property. "With prices continuing to rise, potential homeowners may feel they have no choice but to borrow more than they are willing to repay to get their dream home."
In the case of rising property prices, homebuyers who can overcome the deposit hurdles and affordability assessments now have to allocate a larger portion of their income towards housing cost budgets.
在悉尼,房屋所有者需要将其收入的57%用于偿还新抵押贷款,这是自3月季度的51.6%以来的最高记录。阿德莱德是全国第二个最难负担的住房市场,在疫情期间飙升了44%后,房主现在需要用收入的47%来维护普通住房,比上一季度增加3%。在全国范围内,房屋所有者现在需要将其收入的45.5%用于支付平均房屋的抵押贷款,高于3月份季度的 42.7%。
In Sydney, homeowners need to allocate a record 57% of their income to service a new mortgage, up from 51.6% in the March quarter. Adelaide is the second least affordable housing market in the country following a 44% surge during the pandemic, where homeowners now need 47% of their income to maintain an average home, which is a 3% increase from the previous quarter. Nationwide, homeowners now have to spend 45.5% of their income to pay a mortgage on an average home, up from 42.7% from the March quarter.
Ms. Owen said homebuyers who can enter the market now and can handle the high mortgage costs in the short term may benefit from lower mortgage rates when the Reserve Bank of Australia starts cutting next year, as well as from subsequent house price increases. "First home buyers who can get into the market now may experience property value gains as real incomes rise in 2024, and there is modest easing in the cash rate towards the end of the year and through 2025."
2. 维多利亚州终于准备加速住房申请
Victoria State Finally Set to Accelerate Housing Applications
维多利亚州州长Daniel Andrews表示,维多利亚州正在考虑推出一种快速审批规划系统,以加速新住房开发的速度,这将作为本月发布的全面住房计划的一部分。
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has stated that Victoria is considering the introduction of a fast-track planning system to expedite the pace of new housing development, which will be part of a comprehensive housing plan set to be unveiled this month.
Speaking at the launch of a $210 million mixed-use housing project in Kensington, an inner-suburban area of Melbourne, on Thursday, Mr. Andrews declined to disclose whether the reforms would curtail the powers of local councils but expressed his desire to streamline the approval processes.
Mr. Andrews remarked, "What we're keen to do is to make sure that things that have been lying around, applications that have been lying around for way too long, get dealt with, and that applications that haven't even been submitted yet, if they meet criteria, if they are high quality, and they have an eye to affordability, then they should be approved as fast as possible. More housing supply means lower prices for Victorians, and that's a really important thing."

From: News Melbourne, showing Kensington, located just 4 kilometers northwest of the city center.
即使是管理着740亿澳元资产的行业超级基金HESTA,也加入了Andrews先生的队伍,共同宣布对Macaulay Road402号项目的1亿澳元以上的股权投资。HESTA表示,规划限制局限了他们可以投资的可负担房屋,这些房屋是以低于市场价格提供给符合资格的关键工作者的租赁住房。
Even industry super fund HESTA, which manages assets worth $74 billion, has joined Mr. Andrews' team in announcing an equity investment of over $100 million in the Macaulay Road 402 project. HESTA stated that planning constraints limit their ability to invest in affordable housing, which provides rental housing to qualifying key workers at below-market rates.
HESTA首席执行官Debby Blakey本周表示:“如果我们能够改变风险状况,我们就可以对经济适用房进行更高的配置,并获得良好的回报。”
Debby Blakey, CEO of HESTA, said this week, "If we could change the risk profile, we could have a higher allocation to affordable housing and still get a good return."
However, despite the Victorian development industry's enthusiasm for a more efficient approval system, they are concerned that any new fast-track process could also come with higher design standards and costs.
“如果没有任何细节,真的很难评价,”澳大利亚城市发展研究所维多利亚分会首席执行官Linda Allison周四告诉《澳大利亚金融评论报》 。“要求过高的快速通道机制不一定会是一个快速通道。各个项目已经有了尝试加快审批速度的途径,但还没有成熟的系统。”
"It's really hard to say it would be good without any detail," said Linda Allison, CEO of the Urban Development Institute of Australia's Victorian chapter, in an interview with The Australian Financial Review on Thursday. "What would the criteria be? Of course, quality is important, but if there are standards over what already exists, then that raises issues around pricing points and affordability for consumers. A fast-tracking mechanism that has excessive requirements won't be a fast-tracking process. There are examples of measures for individual projects to try to accelerate their pace of approval, but no wide-ranging system."

From: Johanna Leggatt, featuring HESTA CEO Debby Blakey.
Andrews先生表示,州政府将为Macaulay项目提供3200万澳元的债务融资,这是一项新计划的一部分,该计划将提供高达10亿澳元的低息贷款和政府担保,以帮助为多达6000套新的社会可负担住房。该计划称为经济适用房投资合作伙伴关系,是维州 50亿澳元的大型住房建设计划的补充。
Mr. Andrews stated that the state government will provide $32 million in debt financing for the Macaulay project, as part of a new initiative that will offer up to $1 billion in low-interest loans and government guarantees to support the financing of up to 6,000 new social and affordable homes. This initiative is called the Affordable Housing Investment Partnership and is an addition to the state's $5 billion Big Housing Build program.
“这是一项积极、进步的公共政策,而且具有很强的可扩展性,”将交付该项目的开发商 Assemble 首席执行官Kris Daff表示。澳新银行还为该项目提供债务融资,该项目共有5栋建筑、362个单元,需要大约两年的时间建设,预计将于2025年第三季度完工。
"It is a positive and progressive piece of public policy and very scalable," said Kris Daff, CEO of developer Assemble, which will deliver the project. ANZ is also providing debt financing for the five-building, 362-unit project, which is expected to take about two years to construct and is scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2025.
Weekly Auctions
根据维多利亚房地产协会REIV(Real Estate Institute of Victoria)官方统计,截止9月17日周日,整个维州共进行了630场有结果的房产拍卖,总清盘率73%。
According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) as of Sunday, September 17th, a total of 630 property auctions were conducted throughout Victoria, with an overall clearance rate of 73%.

Here are the details of the auctions: Out of the 630 auctions, a total of 458 properties were successfully sold. Among these, 117 were sold at the auctions themselves, and 340 were sold prior to the auctions, resulting in a total auction value of $535 million AUD.

Additionally, there were 282 properties sold through private sales, with a total private sale value of $235 million AUD.

For standalone houses, the clearance rate was 74%, with a total of 434 auctions held and a median house price of $1.2 million AUD.

For units, the clearance rate was also 74%, with 185 auctions held and a median unit price of $773,000 AUD.
