Melbourne Weekly Property News Update
▪ 墨尔本买家可以在“下一站”购房以节约成本
Melbourne Buyers Can Save Costs by Purchasing Property at the "Next Stop"
▪ 租金飙升即将结束?
Is the Soaring Rent Trend Coming to an End?
▪ 一周拍卖
Weekly Auction Highlights
Melbourne Buyers Can Save Costs by Purchasing Property at the "Next Stop"
墨尔本购房者只需稍微延长通勤时间,就可以在购房过程中节省高达七位数的费用。Domain 数据显示,在火车线路上再行驶一两站可以将城市部分地区的房产成本降低一半。
Melbourne homebuyers can save up to seven figures in costs by slightly extending their commuting time during the property purchasing process. Domain data shows that traveling one or two more stops on train lines can reduce property costs in certain areas of the city by half.
As housing prices rise, borrowing capacity decreases, and the number of homes for sale declines, buyers are forced to expand their property search range. The largest price difference can be observed along the Frankston line, where an additional station between the expensive suburbs of Toorak and Armadale reduces the median house price from AUD 4.9 million to AUD 2.5 million, according to the quarterly data from March.
最近郊区的销售显示,Grosvenor Court, Toorak的一套三居室房屋售价为621万澳元,而Bailey Avenue, Armadale的一套三居室房屋售价几乎是该价格的一半,为312万澳元。
Recent sales in the suburbs reflect this trend, with a three-bedroom house in Grosvenor Court, Toorak, selling for AUD 6.21 million, while a similar house in Bailey Avenue, Armadale, is priced at almost half that amount, AUD 3.12 million.
Belle Property Armadale首席代理人Walter Summons表示, Toorak面积较大的土地以及与郊区相关的声望决定了价格较高。但在Armadale ,多种火车和电车服务对买家来说是一个主要吸引力。“Armadale确实没有一个地方不靠近火车站,” Summons说。“当然还有电车。”
Walter Summons, the principal agent at Belle Property Armadale, explains that the larger land size in Toorak and the prestige associated with the suburb contribute to higher prices. However, in Armadale, the presence of multiple train and tram services is a major attraction for buyers. "Armadale doesn't have a place that isn't close to a train station," Summons says. "And of course, there are trams too."

The significant price variations are not limited to affluent inner-city suburbs. Moving along the Frankston line, buyers can save nearly AUD 300,000 by traveling just one station from Edithvale (AUD 1.225 million) to Chelsea (AUD 936,000).
许多买家在被内湾地区的房价挤出后,已经开始向沿海地区迁移,特别是那些想要缩小面积的买家和想要扩大面积的年轻家庭。靠近火车站通常是关键。“目前我与买家进行的很多对话都是围绕着这个话题” 来自Buxton Chelsea’的 James French表示。
Many buyers who have been priced out of inner-city areas are now migrating to coastal regions, especially those looking to downsize or young families seeking larger spaces. Proximity to train stations is often a key factor. James French from Buxton Chelsea states, "Many of the conversations I'm having with buyers revolve around this topic."
在北郊,沿着Craigieburn线,Pascoe Vale的房价只有Strathmore的一半,那里的街区更大,中位价分别为77.5万澳元和155万澳元。在城市东部的Belgrave线上,房价中位数从联合火车站所在的Mont Albert的226万澳元降至仅一站之遥的Box Hill的133.63万澳元。
In the northern suburbs, along the Craigieburn line, the house prices in Pascoe Vale are only half of those in Strathmore, with median prices of AUD 775,000 and AUD 1.55 million, respectively. In the eastern part of the city, on the Belgrave line, the median house price drops from AUD 2.26 million in Mont Albert, where the junction station is located, to AUD 1.3363 million in Box Hill, just one stop away.

From:Domain,Listing House at Mont Albert and BoxHill
HEAVYSIDE Boroondara的Tim Heavyside表示,那些无法负担得起Mont Albert或Surrey Hills的买家会在离这些地区一两个火车站的地方找到更好的房源。"Heavyside说:“目前出现了一种郊区扩张的现象,买家会稍微向外延伸一点,以找到更合适的价格。”但问题是,这些地方并不太远,因此他们仍然可以享受到Mont Albert或Surrey Hills的便利设施。”
Tim Heavyside from HEAVYSIDE Boroondara explains that buyers who cannot afford Mont Albert or Surrey Hills are finding better options just one or two train stations away. "There is a phenomenon of suburban expansion happening right now, where buyers are stretching a little further out to find more suitable prices," Heavyside says. "But the catch is that these places aren't that far away, so they still get the benefits of Mont Albert or Surrey Hills amenities."
买家代理人Cate Bakos表示,火车站的邻近性是买家和投资者的优先考虑因素,但她警告房屋买家不要选择离铁路线太近的房子。Bakos说:“这不是一项决定性的因素,但如果靠近铁路线,对买家来说是有价值的。”她说:“要离得足够近,但不要太近。在400米范围内是很好的,但在50米范围内就不好了。如果你住在一个经过的快车会按喇叭的铁路段上,你不会希望这成为你的唤醒电话。”
Buyers' agent Cate Bakos highlights the proximity to train stations as a priority factor for buyers and investors but cautions against choosing a house too close to the railway line. Bakos says, "It's not a deal-breaker, but it is valuable to buyers if it's nearby." She adds, "Being close enough but not too close is good. Within a 400-meter range is great, but within a 50-meter range, not so much. You wouldn't want to live on a railway section where fast trains are honking their horns, as it wouldn't be the wake-up call you'd hope for."
Bakos表示,现在和将来的火车线路和车站的升级将提高房价。其中包括正在建设中的Arden Station,它位于墨尔本北部,作为新的城市环线的一部分,预计将在未来两年内竣工。
Bakos states that both current and future upgrades to train lines and stations will contribute to higher property prices. This includes the upcoming Arden Station, located in the northern part of Melbourne as part of the new metropolitan loop, which is expected to be completed within the next two years.
2. 租金飙升即将结束?
Is the Soaring Rent Trend Coming to an End?
Due to the increasing pressure on supply and living costs, residential rental prices across Australia are either declining or remaining stable. However, the "housing crisis" is far from over, as there continues to be a severe shortage of social and affordable housing.
The increase in vacancy rates and weakening rental demands is most evident in areas such as the Central Coast of New South Wales, as well as in cities like Sydney, Hobart, Adelaide, and the Gold Coast's high-end market. The slowdown in rental price surges post-pandemic may indicate a return to more moderate rental growth in the 2010s, although it will require further detailed housing policies to address the situation.
大流行时期的激增非同寻常。本月早些时候发布的最新CoreLogic Rental Insights重点关注了1700 个郊区,截至5月份的一年里,这些郊区的租金要价上涨了10%以上。但报告还指出,5月份租金要价增长速度正在放缓,年化增长率虽然依然强劲,但已降至9.9%。特别是,随着维多利亚州莫宁顿半岛等地区的流行病减少,这些地区的租金增长“急剧”放缓,5月份降至0.3%。
The surge during the pandemic period has been unprecedented. The latest CoreLogic Rental Insights report, focusing on 1,700 suburbs, revealed that rental prices in these areas rose by more than 10% over the course of one year until May. However, the report also noted that the pace of rental price growth in May was slowing down, with the annualized growth rate dropping to 9.9%. Particularly, rental growth in regions like the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria has "sharply" decelerated, reaching 0.3% in May, as the prevalence of the virus reduced.


在城市中,5月份独立屋租金增幅放缓至0.9%,而公寓价格更实惠,并在国际学生返校的帮助下从疫情低点反弹,当月继续强劲增长1.4%。全国40% 郊区的租金增长超过10%的必然结果是,截至5月份的一年里,澳大利亚60%郊区的租金增长低于10%。储备银行和澳大利亚统计局指出,对于过去一年中租户没有变化的70-75%的租金,实际租金增长更少,尽管许多业主要求大幅上涨。在维多利亚州,CoreLogic 报告称,莫宁顿半岛的租金增幅今年低于2%。
In urban areas, the growth rate of house rents in May slowed down to 0.9%, while apartments, being more affordable, continued their strong rebound by increasing 1.4% that month, aided by the return of international students. The inevitable outcome of over 10% rental growth in 40% of the nation's suburbs is that 60% of Australian suburbs experienced rental growth below 10% by May. Both the Reserve Bank and the Australian Bureau of Statistics highlight that for 70-75% of rents with no change in tenants over the past year, actual rental growth has been even lower, despite many landlords demanding significant increases. In Victoria, the CoreLogic report states that rental growth on the Mornington Peninsula has been less than 2% this year.
堪培拉长期以来一直是全国最昂贵的城市,随着供应增加,整个堪培拉的租金要价下降,空置率从 2022年3月的0.7%上升至2023年5月的2.2%。
Canberra has historically been the most expensive city in the country, but with increasing supply, rental prices across Canberra have declined, and the vacancy rate rose from 0.7% in March 2022 to 2.2% in May 2023.
这一转变正如储备银行行长Phillip Lowe所预测的那样。市场(即租房者)正在适应更高的价格。疫情期间,家庭规模缩小。人们想要更多属于自己的空间,而且,随着内城租金的下降,他们能够为每人赢得更多的空间。5月份,共享住宿网站Flatmates.com.au报告称,新用户数量达到创纪录的7万名,因为人们希望填补空置空间。
This shift aligns with the predictions of Reserve Bank Governor Phillip Lowe. The market (i.e., renters) is adapting to higher prices. During the pandemic, household sizes have decreased. People desire more space of their own, and with the decrease in inner-city rents, they can afford more space per person. In May, the shared accommodation website Flatmates.com.au reported a record-breaking number of 70,000 new users as people sought to fill vacant spaces.
In the long run, rental growth ultimately depends on the interplay between household growth and housing supply. However, this equation is not linear. During the height of the pandemic, some apartment owners refused significant rent reductions and kept their properties vacant. Now, they are returning to the market. Similarly, some owners facing mortgage pressures may be more eager than before to lower rents and retain cash flow. The rental increases and recent price declines have increased residential property yields, but for many investors, they are insufficient to cover the costs of these new mortgages.
许多领先的物业管理公司都看到了市场的变化。塔斯马尼亚房地产协会董事会成员John McGregor表示,霍巴特的空置率有所上升,但主要集中在高端市场,每周价格超过500澳元。REIQ 黄金海岸区域主席John Henderson Real Estate的Andrew Henderson表示,与去年年底相比,空置率和上市时间有所增加。他表示:“对于每周 800 澳元以下的房产,需求仍然强劲,但对于每周 1000 澳元以上的房产,需求却没有我们在疫情期间看到的那么热。以前的空缺率低于1%,现在远高于1%。”
Many leading property management companies have observed changes in the market. John McGregor, a board member of the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania, noted an increase in vacancy rates in Hobart, primarily concentrated in the high-end market with weekly prices exceeding $500 AUD. Andrew Henderson from John Henderson Real Estate, the Chairman of REIQ Gold Coast Region, stated that compared to the end of last year, vacancy rates and listing times have increased. He said, "Demand is still strong for properties under $800 AUD per week, but it's not as hot as what we saw during the pandemic for properties over $1,000 AUD per week. Previously, vacancy rates were below 1%, but now they are much higher than 1%."
Bricks and Mortar Real Estate的物业管理负责人Madeleine Cahill在墨尔本周围管理500处房产,她表示,租房的长队已经退去,但租金仍在摇摆。
Madeleine Cahill, the Property Management Manager at Bricks and Mortar Real Estate, who manages 500 properties around Melbourne, mentioned that the long queues for rentals have diminished, but rental prices are still fluctuating.
Weekly Auction Highlights
根据维多利亚房地产协会REIV(Real Estate Institute of Victoria)官方统计,截止7月1日周日,整个维州共进行了383场有结果的房产拍卖,总清盘率73%。
According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), as of Sunday, July 1st, there were a total of 383 auctioned properties in the entire state of Victoria, with a clearance rate of 73%.

Providing more details about the auctions, out of the total 383 auctions, 278 properties were successfully sold. Among them, 207 properties were sold at the auction, and 105 properties were sold prior to the auction, with a total auction value of $278 million AUD.

Additionally, there were 223 privately sold properties with a total value of $198 million AUD.

The clearance rate for detached houses was 74%, with a total of 243 auctions held and a median house price of $990,000 AUD.

The clearance rate for units was 70%, with a total of 135 auctions held and a median unit price of $750,000 AUD.
