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The Porter Davis project worth AUD 350 million will be taken over by these two companies!

尘埃落定!Porter Davis价值3.5亿澳元的工程将由这两家公司接手!



Melbourne Weekly Real Estate News Update

Simonds和Metricon接手Porter Davis的工作

Simonds and Metricon take over Porter Davis projects


Significant increase in average number of bidders at auctions, buyers undeterred by interest rate hikes


Weekly auction updates

1.Simonds和Metricon接手Porter Davis的工作

Simonds and Metricon take over Porter Davis projects

Simonds Group和 Metricon将从倒闭的Porter Davis Group那里承接总价值3.5亿澳元的未完工房屋建筑合同——大约是三个月前公司倒闭时陷入困境的客户数量的一半。

Simonds Group and Metricon will take over unfinished residential construction contracts worth a total of AUD 350 million from the collapsed Porter Davis Group - approximately half the number of clients in distress when the company went under three months ago.

在澳交所上市的Simonds表示,它已获得 KordaMentha的资格,可以承担多达500个 Porter Davis 的工作,而Metricon表示,根据维多利亚州政府的程序,它将需要大约300个工作份额,以帮助这家倒闭的建筑巨头的客户找到替代建筑商。

Simonds, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, has announced that it has been qualified by KordaMentha to undertake up to 500 Porter Davis projects, while Metricon has stated that it will require around 300 job allocations under the Victorian government's program to assist the clients of the collapsed construction giant in finding alternative builders.

有300份合同仍需要个人买家的同意。这些合同已经从由Porter Davis的清算人Grant Thornton设立并由维多利亚管理保险管理局(VMIA)管理的小组分配给较小的建筑商。对于有能力承担额外工作的建筑商来说,Porter Davis倒塌的废墟中出现了一个受欢迎的新业务来源。

There are still 300 contracts that require the consent of individual buyers. These contracts have been assigned to smaller builders by a team established by Porter Davis' liquidator, Grant Thornton, and managed by the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA). For builders capable of taking on additional work, the collapsed remains of Porter Davis have presented a popular new business opportunity.

在过去一年中,Simonds削减了五分之一的员工,并从股东那里筹集了2500万澳元以维持交易。它正在开拓一个新的市场,为国内建筑保险索赔人在Porter Davis工程的背后完成和整改工程。

Over the past year, Simonds has reduced its workforce by one-fifth and raised AUD 25 million from shareholders to sustain operations. It is venturing into a new market, completing and rectifying projects behind the scenes for domestic building insurance claimants of Porter Davis' projects.

From: Eamon Gallagher,The name of Porter Davis has vanished from the construction site, and new names such as Simonds and Metricon will appear.

Simonds首席执行官Rhett Simonds周四对《澳大利亚金融评论报》表示。“通过我们经历的审计,我们的能力已经合格并签署了。”新合同签订之际,由于借贷成本上升导致新房销售下滑,这意味着潜在买家可以比以前少花钱,再加上前联合政府的HomeBuilder付款等激励措施推动房屋的后遗症。新建筑商将根据施工阶段,为他们承担的每个项目向清算人支付费用。Porter Davis的客户也可能会承担额外的费用来完成他们的房屋。

Simonds CEO, Rhett Simonds, stated to the Australian Financial Review on Thursday, "Through the audits we've been through, our capability has been deemed qualified and signed off on." As new contracts are being signed, the rising borrowing costs have led to a decline in new home sales, meaning potential buyers can spend less than before, coupled with the aftermath of incentive measures like the former government's HomeBuilder payment. The new builders will pay fees to the liquidator based on the construction stage for each project they undertake. Porter Davis' customers may also incur additional costs to complete their homes.


The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) stated that in the updated contracts provided to new builders, they can only pay a maximum of 20% of the original quote. A spokeswoman mentioned, "Some customers may need to provide additional funding, but the amount varies depending on various factors."

Mahercorp的客户在上个月进入自愿托管后进行了重组,面临6.5%的成本增加,并同意接受90天的延迟,作为公司继续运营的一部分。Metricon计划招聘300个工作岗位,最多可能需要500个。根据Grant Thornton准备的债权人报告,Porter Davis每周需要1150万澳元来维持交易,而其最终的财务援助请求,即联邦银行和维多利亚州政府提供的2500万澳元贷款,被州政府拒绝了。截至3月31日,公司与客户签订的现场及前期合同超过2600份

Mahercorp's clients underwent restructuring after voluntarily entering administration last month, facing a 6.5% cost increase and agreeing to a 90-day delay as part of the company's ongoing operations. Metricon plans to recruit 300 job positions, potentially reaching up to 500. According to a creditor's report prepared by Grant Thornton, Porter Davis requires AUD 11.5 million per week to sustain operations, while their request for financial assistance of AUD 25 million in loans from the federal bank and the Victoria state government was rejected. As of March 31st, the company had signed over 2,600 on-site and pre-construction contracts with clients.

From:Simonds Group

提交给将于本月晚些时候开会的债权人的报告指出,该公司倒闭的原因包括劳动力和材料短缺。Porter Davis未能偿还给1455名无担保债权人共计7150万澳元。Grant Thornton表示,他们不太可能收到任何还款。

The report submitted to creditors, who will meet later this month, indicates that labor and material shortages were among the reasons for the company's collapse. Porter Davis failed to repay a total of AUD 71.5 million to 1,455 unsecured creditors. Grant Thornton stated that they are unlikely to receive any repayments.

澳大利亚联邦银行(CBA)可能会全额偿还其所欠的3290万澳元,而另一家有担保债权人Chesapeake Holdings(与董事Anthony Roberts有关联的公司)预计将部分偿还其对该公司的支持,金额为2460万澳元。报告称,共欠下1810万澳元的员工将获得部分支付。

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is expected to fully repay its debt of AUD 32.9 million, while another secured creditor, Chesapeake Holdings (a company associated with director Anthony Roberts), is anticipated to partially repay its support to the company, amounting to AUD 24.6 million. The report states that employees owed a total of AUD 18.1 million will receive partial payments.

在澳交所上市的管道产品供应商Reece也是有担保债权人之一。清算人还表示,他们已经执行了一项出售Englehart的协议,Englehart是Porter Davis于2021年底收购的一家豪华建筑商,该公司没有进行清算,仍在运营。清算人没有透露潜在买家的姓名,也没有说明交易条款。

Reece, a pipeline product supplier listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, is also among the secured creditors. The liquidators also mentioned that they have executed an agreement to sell Englehart, a luxury builder acquired by Porter Davis at the end of 2021. Englehart has not undergone liquidation and is still operating. The liquidators did not disclose the name of the potential buyer or provide details of the transaction terms.

2. 拍卖平均投标人数量激增,购房者无惧加息

Significant increase in average number of bidders at auctions, buyers undeterred by interest rate hikes


The national auction clearance rate has remained above 70% for the seventh consecutive week, with a significant increase in the average number of bidders, as the real estate market seems to be unfazed by the recent interest rate hike by the Reserve Bank.


Despite almost doubling the number of homes up for auction, 72.5% of properties were reported as sold, with minimal change from last week's 72.4% when only 1,040 homes went under the hammer due to the long weekend for the King's birthday.

澳大利亚最大的房地产机构Ray White强调了市场的明显实力,报告称其拍卖的平均投标人数量激增 50%“展望未来,我们预计会有更多库存进入市场,”新南威尔士州首席拍卖师Ray White Alex Pattaro说。“买家群体非常强大和深厚。这是12个月以来的最强势,这应该会鼓励卖家进入市场。”

Australia's largest real estate agency, Ray White, emphasized the market's apparent strength, reporting a 50% surge in the average number of bidders at their auctions. "Looking ahead, we expect to see more stock coming onto the market," said Ray White's Chief Auctioneer for New South Wales, Alex Pattaro. "The buyer pool is very strong and deep. It's the strongest it's been in 12 months, which should encourage sellers to enter the market."

“由于库存不足,我们仍然在我们的开放房屋中看到大量买家活动。Belle Property Lane Cove的销售代理James Bennett表示,在拍卖条件下,买家的出价仍然很高。“我们看到一些买家调整了他们的支出,利率发生了更多变化。然而,大多数人正在购买他们的家庭住宅,并且仍然处于购买的有利位置。”

"Due to the shortage of inventory, we're still seeing a lot of buyer activity at our open homes," said James Bennett, Sales Agent at Belle Property Lane Cove. He further added that buyers' bidding remained high under auction conditions. "We've seen some buyers adjust their spending, and there have been more rate changes. However, most people are buying their family homes and still in a favorable position to purchase."

From:Financial Review,Buyers gathered, waiting for the auction to commence.

墨尔本是本周最繁忙的首府城市拍卖市场,共有 863套待售房屋,进行了597场拍卖。根据初步数据,其中78%已售出,仅比一周前下降80个基点。Domain对墨尔本的拍卖清盘率为69.1%,高于上周的 67.2%。

Melbourne was the busiest capital city auction market this week, with a total of 863 properties listed for sale and 597 auctions held. According to preliminary data, 78% of them were sold, a slight decrease of 80 basis points compared to the previous week. Domain reported a clearance rate of 69.1% for Melbourne, higher than last week's 67.2%.

在墨尔本,Ray White的初步拍卖日清盘率为 84%,每10场拍卖中就有9场收到投标。“许多拍卖的竞争依然激烈,”雷·怀特· Jeremy Tyrell说。突出这一点的是,六名买家在墨尔本东南郊区的Cheltenham争夺一套三居室的房子。它最终以 150.5万澳元的价格售出。“竞标者都是当地人,最终的买家离他的家人更近了,”Ray White Cheltenham 的经纪人 Trevor Bowen 说。

In Melbourne, Ray White achieved a preliminary auction clearance rate of 84%, with 9 out of 10 auctions receiving bids. "There is still fierce competition in many auctions," said Jeremy Tyrell from Ray White. A notable example was the bidding war among six buyers for a three-bedroom house in the southeastern suburb of Cheltenham. It eventually sold for AUD 1.505 million. "The bidders were all locals, and the final buyer is now closer to his family," said Trevor Bowen, the agent from Ray White Cheltenham.

位于Prahran高档住宅区的12 MacKay Street,一栋经过全面翻新的小型维多利亚式住宅,曾登上设计杂志,在拍卖前以约260万澳元的价格售出,远高于RT Edgar的Jeremy Fox和Jack Edgar估价 200万至220万澳元。三居室的房子仅占地182平方米,没有停车位。

Another highlight was the sale of a fully renovated Victorian-style house at 12 MacKay Street in the upscale residential area of Prahran. The property, featured in design magazines, sold prior to auction for around AUD 2.6 million, significantly higher than the estimated price range of AUD 2-2.2 million by Jeremy Fox and Jack Edgar from RT Edgar. The three-bedroom house occupies a small 182-square-meter land without parking spaces.

From:Realestate,3 Bedroom house from 12 MacKay Street with the value of 2.6 million

Morrell&Koren的知名买家代理人Emma Bloom 表示:“此次销售突出表明,对于直接可以领包入住的产,人们会为它们买单,而不是为那些需要时间、金钱和耐心来进行翻新的房产买单。”

Emma Bloom, a prominent buyer's agent from Morrell&Koren, said, "This sale highlights that people are willing to pay for properties that are ready to move into, rather than those that require time, money, and patience for renovation."


In smaller capital cities, Brisbane had the busiest auction market this week with 138 properties auctioned, followed by Adelaide with 109 properties and Canberra with 52 properties.


Weekly auction updates

根据维多利亚房地产协会REIV(Real Estate Institute of Victoria)官方统计,截止6月18日周日,整个维州共进行了597场有结果的房产拍卖,总清盘率78%

According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), as of Sunday, June 18th, a total of 597 property auctions were held across the state of Victoria, with an overall clearance rate of 78%.


Here are the detailed auction results: out of the total 597 auctions, 465 properties were successfully sold. Among them, 346 were sold at the auction, and 132 were sold prior to the auction, with a total auction value of AUD 552 million.


Additionally, there were 201 privately sold properties, with a total value of AUD 167 million.


For detached houses, the clearance rate was 78%, with 416 auctions held and a median house price of AUD 1.25 million.


For units, the clearance rate was 78%, with 172 auctions held and a median unit price of AUD 803,000.

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