Victoria announced the prohibition of new residential properties connecting to natural gas
Melbourne Weekly Property News
▪ 维多利亚州禁止新住宅连接天然气
Victoria prohibits new residential properties from connecting to natural gas
▪ 现金买家涌向墨尔本中央商务区
Cash buyers flock to Melbourne CBD
▪ 一周拍卖
Weekly auctions
Victoria prohibits new residential properties from connecting to natural gas
维多利亚州是澳大利亚住宅天然气使用量最高的州,但从明年开始,所有新住宅将禁止连接天然气。批评者称此举无法在短期内减少排放,因为这将增加该州对燃煤的依赖力量。州能源部长Lily D'Ambrosio周五宣布,从2024年1月1日起,新住宅和住宅小区的规划许可证将只允许连接全电力网络。这一决定受到天然气生产商和管道所有者的批评。所有尚未达到设计阶段的新公共建筑——包括学校、医院和警察局——也将立即开始实现全电动化。
Victoria prohibits new residential properties from connecting to natural gas Victoria, the state with the highest residential natural gas usage in Australia, will prohibit all new residential properties from connecting to natural gas starting from next year. Critics argue that this move may not lead to immediate emission reductions and could increase the state's reliance on coal-fired power. Lily D'Ambrosio, the state's Energy Minister, announced on Friday that from January 1, 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential developments will only allow connections to the full electricity grid. This decision has faced criticism from natural gas producers and pipeline owners. All new public buildings that have not yet reached the design phase, including schools, hospitals, and police stations, will also begin immediate electrification.
D'Ambrosio showcased an all-electric home in Brunswick that relies on a combination of split-system air conditioning, electric heating, and insulation to keep the interior warm, claiming it could save new homeowners up to $1000 AUD annually in Victoria.
Victoria currently has the highest residential natural gas usage in Australia, with about 80% of households connected, accounting for approximately 65% of Australia's total residential natural gas usage. The government estimates that around 40,000 new homes are connected to natural gas each year. State government data shows that the gas industry contributes about 17% of the state's emissions. D'Ambrosio stated that transitioning to the electricity system is a key element in achieving Victoria's target of reducing emissions by 75% to 80% by 2035 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2045.

From:Joe Armao,Energy and Resources Minister Lily D’Ambrosio announcing Victoria’s gas connection ban on Friday.
但Gratta研究所能源项目主管Tony Wood表示,维多利亚州的举措只会限制家庭天然气使用量的增长,而且随着时间的推移,只有将现有的天然气连接家庭转向电力才会产生更大的影响。联邦独立议员Allegra Spender 表示,此举将降低维州人的电费和排放量。“新南威尔士州应该是下一个。”她说。
However, Tony Wood, the Energy Program Director at the Grattan Institute, expressed that Victoria's measures would only limit the growth of natural gas usage in households, and the larger impact would come from transitioning existing natural gas-connected homes to electricity over time. Federal independent MP Allegra Spender stated that New South Wales should be the next to follow suit.
澳大利亚最大的燃气供暖制造商西利国际公司董事总经理Jon Seeley表示,这项禁令是“愚蠢且短视的”,将导致排放量更高,并增加停电的风险。Seeley表示:“强迫人们停止使用天然气会导致我们老化的发电站燃烧更多的褐煤,同时增加本已脆弱的能源网的压力。我们都认识到需要摆脱化石燃料。但过渡必须谨慎管理,不能操之过急。而且必须以稳步减少排放而不是增加排放的方式来实现。”
Jon Seeley, the Managing Director of Australia's largest gas heating manufacturer, Rinnai International, called the ban "foolish and short-sighted," arguing that it would result in higher emissions and increase the risk of blackouts. Seeley stated, "Forcing people to stop using natural gas will lead to our aging power stations burning more brown coal and adding more pressure to an already fragile energy grid. We all recognize the need to move away from fossil fuels. But the transition must be managed carefully and not rushed, and it must be achieved by steadily reducing emissions, not increasing them."
As of 2020, about 68% of Victoria's electricity comes from brown coal, which has higher carbon pollution compared to black coal. The industry organization representing natural gas distributors claimed that the decision was "premature" due to the lack of thorough and transparent consideration of its impact on costs, emissions, and vulnerable consumers. Natural gas producers suggested that the government's focus should be on reducing emissions in the electricity sector through increased renewable energy and consolidating natural gas generation before addressing electricity demand.

首都领地政府已经禁止在所有新开发项目和现有住宅的新连接中使用天然气,并在2045年之前完全禁止在该地区使用天然气,这使维多利亚州成为第二个禁止在新住宅中使用天然气的司法管辖区。致力于电气化以减少排放的组织Electrify Everything 的联合创始人Saul Griffith表示,用天然气为维多利亚式房屋供暖的平均成本为每天2.47澳元,但使用太阳能和电池支持的热泵,成本降至1.13澳元。
The Australian Capital Territory has already banned the use of natural gas in all new developments and new connections in existing homes and plans to fully phase out natural gas in the region by 2045, making Victoria the second jurisdiction to prohibit the use of natural gas in new residential properties. Saul Griffith, co-founder of the organization Electrify Everything, dedicated to electrification for emission reduction, stated that the average cost of using natural gas to heat a Victorian home is $2.47 AUD per day, while using solar and battery-supported heat pumps reduces the cost to $1.13 AUD.
房地产委员会国家政策主任Frankie Muskovic表示,在生活成本压力仍处于历史高位之际,转向全电动新房将降低维州家庭的能源成本。“电气化是使我们的建筑供暖方式脱碳的最快、最便宜的方式,而对新天然气连接的禁令为工业界提供了交付零碳建筑所需的确定性,从而为维多利亚州雄心勃勃的减排目标做出贡献。”
Frankie Muskovic, National Policy Manager of the Real Estate Institute of Australia, stated that transitioning to all-electric new homes would reduce energy costs for Victorian families amid high living expenses. She emphasized that electrification is the fastest and most cost-effective way to decarbonize our buildings, and the ban on new natural gas connections provides certainty to the industry in delivering zero-carbon buildings, contributing to Victoria's ambitious emission reduction goals.
维多利亚州住房行业协会主任Keith Ryan表示,他担心消费者的选择和能源供应的潜在扭曲。Master Builders Victoria 首席执行官 Michaela Lihou 表示,在能源转型过程中, 创造一条通向更清洁、更可持续的未来的道路是我们对维多利亚建筑行业愿景的重要组成部分。她说:“停止在新建建筑工地上安装天然气的决定兑现了对子孙后代的承诺,但对于维州消费者来说,能够自由地做出适合自己需求的明智选择也很重要。”
Keith Ryan, Executive Director of the Victorian Housing Industry Association, expressed concerns about potential distortions in consumer choices and energy supply. Michaela Lihou, CEO of Master Builders Victoria, stated that creating a path to a cleaner and more sustainable future is an essential part of their vision for Victoria's construction industry. She said, "The decision to stop installing natural gas on new building sites fulfills our commitment to future generations, but it is also important for Victorian consumers to be able to make informed choices that suit their needs."
2. 现金买家涌向墨尔本中央商务区
Cash buyers flock to Melbourne CBD
Data from online property transfer company PEXA showed that cash buyers flocked to Melbourne CBD during the June quarter, snapping up 601 apartments, making it the suburb with the largest volume of unencumbered residential property transactions in Australia. During the same period, the number of unencumbered property sales with mortgages significantly increased across major states, with Victoria rising by 24.3%, New South Wales by 31%, and Queensland by 14.4%.
PEXA研究主管Mike Gill表示,现金的增加在一定程度上有助于稳定房地产市场。“供应相对于需求有限是房地产市场反弹的主要动力,但现金交易量的增加表明,如果这些现金买家在市场上不像以前那么活跃,需求就会减少,并且这可能会对整个市场产生不利影响,” Gill先生说。“现金买家占整体销售额的很大一部分,因此它有助于加强市场并创造原本可能不存在的需求。因为他们对利率变动不敏感,所以尽管利率上升,他们仍可以继续进行交易。”
Mike Gill, Director of Research at PEXA, stated that the increase in cash transactions contributed to stabilizing the real estate market to some extent. "Limited supply relative to demand has been a key driver of the rebound in the property market, but the increase in cash transactions indicates that if these cash buyers are not as active in the market as they used to be, demand will decrease, and this could have an adverse impact on the overall market," said Gill. "Cash buyers account for a significant portion of the total sales, so they help to strengthen the market and create demand that might not otherwise exist. Because they are not sensitive to interest rate changes, they can continue to transact even as rates rise."
Over the past year, the share of cash buyers widened, rising to 26.7% in New South Wales, 27.8% in Queensland, and 24.1% in Victoria. In the same period last year, cash purchases accounted for 24.3% in New South Wales, 26.9% in Queensland, and 20.6% in Victoria.

Cash buyers flocked into Melbourne CBD apartments in the past three months according to PEXA.
墨尔本房地产经纪人Geoff White表示,大多数现金买家都是自住业主,他们卖掉了郊区的房屋,搬到城里居住。“我们确实看到大量买家涌入,他们通过出售郊区的房产获得了可观的利润。他们现在将这些钱投入到中央商务区的公寓中,” White先生说。“我们还与大量资金雄厚的外国买家打交道,他们在我们的销售额中占了相当大的份额。相当多的人正在为正在上大学的孩子购买公寓。”
Geoff White, a real estate agent in Melbourne, noted that most cash buyers are owner-occupiers who sold their suburban homes to move into the city. "We have indeed seen a large influx of buyers who have made substantial profits from selling properties in the suburbs. They are now putting that money into apartments in the CBD," White said. "We also deal with a significant share of wealthy foreign buyers who have a considerable presence in our sales. Quite a few people are buying apartments for their children who are going to university."
CoreLogic研究总监Tim Lawless表示,在当前高利率环境下融资困难可能会促使更多买家支付现金。“在获得信贷资格变得越来越困难的情况下,现金销售占据了市场的更大份额,这并不奇怪,” Lawless先生说。“贷款人必须以比现行利率高出三个百分点的速度评估借款人的贷款偿还能力,这意味着借款人将有资格在9%左右的抵押贷款利率下获得贷款,投资贷款的利率更高。此外,贷款机构不太愿意批准债务与收入比率较高或存款较少的借款人的贷款。据推测,这些交易中的很大一部分将是缩小规模的人或搬家者,他们不需要获得融资,因为他们正在以强大的股权地位出售房屋。”
Tim Lawless, Research Director at CoreLogic, pointed out that financing difficulties in the current high-interest-rate environment might prompt more buyers to pay in cash. "As access to credit becomes increasingly difficult, it's not surprising to see a higher share of sales involving cash transactions," said Lawless. "Lenders must assess a borrower's ability to service the loan at a rate three percentage points above the prevailing rate, which means borrowers will be eligible for loans at around 9% for mortgages, with investment loan rates even higher. Additionally, lenders are less inclined to approve loans for borrowers with higher debt-to-income ratios or less deposit. It's likely that a large portion of these transactions involve downsizers or those moving home, who don't need financing as they're selling with strong equity positions."

From:PEXA,Suburbs with the highest volume of cash property transactions, 2Q23
根据CoreLogic的数据,在截至6月的三个月中,墨尔本中央商务区的公寓价值上涨了3.8%,Surfers Paradise上涨了5.1%,Southport上涨了5.8%,Broadbeach上涨了2.7%。
According to CoreLogic's data for the three months ending in June, apartment values in Melbourne CBD increased by 3.8%, Surfers Paradise by 5.1%, Southport by 5.8%, and Broadbeach by 2.7%.
现金买家还瞄准了悉尼Marsden Park和Austral等外环地区的空置住宅用地,这些地区的空置地块分别占所有现金购买的77%和68%。六月季度,Marsden Park进行了266笔现金销售,Austral进行了166笔现金销售。
Cash buyers also targeted vacant residential land in outer-ring areas like Marsden Park and Austral in Sydney, with these areas accounting for 77% and 68% of all cash purchases, respectively. During the June quarter, there were 266 cash sales in Marsden Park and 166 in Austral.
Weekly auctions
根据维多利亚房地产协会REIV(Real Estate Institute of Victoria)官方统计,截止7月30日周日,整个维州共进行了554场有结果的房产拍卖,总清盘率75%。
According to official statistics from the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) until Sunday, July 30, a total of 554 auction results were recorded across Victoria, with an overall clearance rate of 75%.

Here are the auction details: out of the total 554 auctions, 417 properties were successfully sold! Among them, 305 were sold at the auction, and 112 were sold before the auction, with a total auction value of $468 million AUD.

There were also 143 properties sold through private sales, with a total value of $116 million AUD.

The clearance rate for houses was 75%, with 362 auctions held, and the median house price was $1.18 million AUD.

The clearance rate for units was 76%, with 187 auctions held, and the median unit price was $880,000 AUD.
