
Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak
Strathcona Baptist Girls Canterbury
Methodist Ladies College Kew
Presbyterian Ladies' College Burwood
Balwyn High
Box Hill High
Glen Waverley Secondary College

另外,东区的Bialik College (Hawthorn)和Mount Scopus Memorial College (Burwood)被公认为2020年维州高考成绩最优秀的学校,两所学校均为犹太教私校。
Mount Scopus Memorial College, Burwood, 38 39.7
Presbyterian Ladies’College, Burwood, 36 27.6
Kingswood College, Box Hill, 33 14.9
Box Hill High School, Box Hill, 32 14.8
Our Lady of Sion College, Box Hill, 32 10.4
Koonung Secondary College, Mont Albert North, 32 9.0
Vermont Secondary College, Vermont, 31 8.5
Emmaus College, Vermont South, 31 7.2
Blackburn High School, Blackburn, 30 7.1
Nunawading Christian College, Nunawading, 30 4.1
Mullauna College, Mitcham, 28 3.3
Forest Hill College, Burwood East, 25 3.7
Box Hill Senior Secondary College, Mont Albert North, 24 1.4
莫纳什社区 MONASH
Mount Scopus Memorial College, Burwood, 38 39.7
Presbyterian Ladies’College, Burwood, 36 27.6
Huntingtower School, Mount Waverley, 36 24.7
Caulfield Grammar School, Wheelers Hill, 34 21.1
John Monash Science School, Clayton, 34 17.1
Sacred Heart Girls’College, Hughesdale, 34 12.9
Glen Waverley Secondary College, Glen Waverley, 32 12.9
Mazenod College, Mulgrave, 32 10.9
Mount Waverley Secondary College, Mount Waverley, 31 8.1
Avila College, Mount Waverley, 31 7.1
Oakleigh Grammar, Oakleigh, 31 3.4
Highvale Secondary College, Glen Waverley, 30 9.3
Brentwood Secondary College, Glen Waverley, 30 6.4
Wesley College, Glen Waverley, 30 5.9
Salesian College, Chadstone, 30 4.0
Wellington Secondary College, Mulgrave, 29 5.6
Wheelers Hill Secondary College, Wheelers Hill, 29 3.9
South Oakleigh Secondary College, Oakleigh South, 29 2.7
Ashwood High School, Ashwood, 28 2.1
Westall Secondary College, Clayton South, 27 3.5
Melbourne High School, South Yarra, 37 30.4
Loreto Mandeville Hall, Toorak, 36 29.3
The King David School, Armadale, 36 26.0
Korowa Anglican Girls’School, Glen Iris, 36 20.8
St Kevin’s College, Toorak, 35 25.9
St Catherine's School, Toorak, 35 25.0
Lauriston Girls School, Armadale, 35 24.3
Melbourne Girls Grammar, South Yarra, 35 21.3
Sacre Coeur, Glen Iris, 35 20.8
De La Salle College, Malvern, 30 8.5
Presentation College, Windsor, 29 3.9
Bialik College, Hawthorn, 38 39.9
Methodist Ladies College, Kew, 36 27.6
Ruyton Girls’School, Kew, 36 27.1
Korowa Anglican Girls’School, Glen Iris, 36 20.8
Trinity Grammar School, Kew, 35 24.3
Scotch College, Hawthorn, 35 23.4
Fintona Girls School, Balwyn, 35 21.3
Sacre Coeur, Glen Iris, 35 20.8
Camberwell Anglican Girls GS, Canterbury, 35 19.2
Camberwell Grammar School, Canterbury, 34 21.4
Xavier College, Kew, 34 19.2
Genazzano F.C.J. College, Kew, 34 19.0
Balwyn High School, Balwyn North, 33 17.5
Siena College, Camberwell, 33 16.5
Carey Baptist Grammar School, Kew, 33 11.9
Kew High School, Kew East, 31 10.8
Auburn High School, Hawthorn East, 31 8.7
Camberwell High School, Canterbury, 30 5.8
Swinburne Senior Secondary College, Hawthorn, 29 3.2
Alia College, Hawthorn East, 23 2.6
St Andrews Christian College, Wantirna South, 33 13.9
Waverley Christian College, Wantirna South, 33 13.1
The Knox School, Wantirna South, 33 9.9
St Joseph's College, Ferntree Gully, 32 7.9
Wantirna College, Wantirna, 27 4.1
Rowville Secondary College, Rowville, 25 1.9
Scoresby Secondary College, Scoresby, 25 1.1
Bayswater Secondary College, Bayswater, 25 0
Fairhills High School, Knoxfield, 24 1.0
Boronia K-12 College, Boronia, 23 1.3
Yarra Valley Grammar School, Ringwood, 34 21.3
Luther College, Croydon Hills, 33 10.9
Tintern Grammar, Ringwood East, 31 7.3
Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School, Warranwood, 31 3.4
Ringwood Secondary College, Ringwood, 30 9.9
Aquinas College, Ringwood, 30 6.3
Norwood Secondary College, Ringwood, 29 2.4
Melba College, Croydon, 29 1.7
Heathmont College, Heathmont, 26 2.0
Swinburne Uni of Tech – TAFE, Croydon, 23 0
Mater Christi College, Belgrave, 32 8.3
Billanook College, Mooroolbark, 31 9.6
Oxley Christian College, Chirnside Park, 31 7.7
Belgrave Heights Christian School, Belgrave Heights, 30 6.3
Edinburgh College, Lilydale, 30 2.3
Sherbrooke Community School, Sassafras, 28 3.3
Mooroolbark College, Mooroolbark, 28 2.9
Mount Lilydale Mercy College, Lilydale, 28 2.4
Lilydale High School, Lilydale, 28 2.0
Monbulk College, Monbulk, 27 5.6
Mountain District Christian SC, Monbulk, 27 1.9
Upper Yarra Secondary College, Yarra Junction, 27 1.5
Healesville High School, Healesville, 27 1.3
Upwey High School, Upwey, 26 3.1
Yarra Hills Secondary College, Mooroolbark 25 1.3
Lilydale Heights College, Lilydale, 25 0
Bialik College
Mount Scopus Memorial College
Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak
Kingswood College
Bialik College

Bialik College成立于1942年,位于墨尔本Hawthorn,是澳洲历史最悠久的走读式犹太教男女混校之一。该校的幼儿园是澳大利亚第一个使用希伯来语作为教学语言的教育机构。随着当地犹太人口的增长和发展,Bialik成为了一个现代化、充满活力和不断发展的幼儿部、小学部和中学部综合学校。
Bialik College 在2020年荣获全维州VCE排名第一的学校,学校ATAR最高分为99.9。今年他们以微弱的优势战胜了同为犹太学校的Mount Scopus。

2021年本地学生学费:$ 21,475 - $ 36,325

Mount Scopus Memorial College

Mount Scopus也是墨尔本一所犹太教学校,位于Burwood,招收幼儿园到12年级的男女生,为一所走读学校。学校一般只招收犹太教学生。
2021年本地学生学费:$ 24,830 - $ 38,330

Loreto Mandeville Hall

Loreto 2020年VCE成绩全州排名第7。

Loreto 是一所独立的罗马天主教综合性女校,也是墨尔本最好的女校之一,位于墨尔本第一富人区Toorak。它是世界上众多洛雷托学校之一,大约400年前由玛丽·沃德建立的“洛雷托姐妹” (Loreto Sisters)出资建立。

招生对象:预科 -12年级女生
本地学费:$19,750 $ 28,490

Kingswood College

Kingswood College是一所男女同校的K-12私校,位于墨尔本东部郊区Box Hill South。学校成立于1890年,已有百年历史,在1928年至1965年曾被称为Box Hill Grammar 博士山文法学校。
学校招收7年级到12年级的国际学生。Kingswood College 还与西安市高新第一中学在2005年时建立了姊妹学校关系。

根据中澳两校达成的交流合作项目,在西安学校完成特定课程的9年级学生有机会进入Kingswood College高中部就读。学生还能享受50%学费减免的独家奖学金。
2021年本地学生学费:$ 11,203 - $ 11,203
国际学生学费(7-12年级):$ 33,306 - $ 37,766

